Project information

Pet project "Samrt Home"

Implemented a smart home project by using Django.
Running server on mini computer Raspberry on which installed and configured Nginx, Gunicorn.
Controller Arduino connected to the server to work with sensors.
With the help of Celery, I set up regular polling of sensors and performing lengthy operations.

Implemented functionality:
  • The API requests the weather forecast once a day for automatic watering.
  • In winter, remote control of street illumination is implemented.
  • Recording in the database and displaying the values of various sensors on the site, namely: temperature, door opening, air quality, etc., are connected and implemented.
  • Implemented remote control of various devices.
  • Connected Telegram and Viber bots to get important information.
  • Identification and authentication of the user by built-in means Django.
  • Admin panel connected.