"Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it." - Patrick McKenzie

Python Developer.
Associated with IT all my life, engaged in maintenance and adjustment computer and office equipment. At the beginning of 2020, I decided to try my hand at software development.
- Birthday: 4 August 1983
- Website: alexua.fly.dev
- Phone: +34 624 636 814
- City: Spain, Madrid, Torrelaguna
- Degree: Specialist
- Email: alex2011ua@gmail.com
- CV: Download
Completed numerous courses and acquired comprehensive knowledge in Python,
JavaScript, and other programming languages to become a proficient specialist.
Very reliable, responsible, enthusiastic team worker. I always achieve my goals and
complete tasks on time. Not conflicting. Dedicated to the team and always ready to help.
Developed several personal projects and obtained commercial experience. Gained
experience in natural language processing, large language model.
Primary focus lies in leveraging Django REST Framework, although also possess
knowledge in frontend development.
Oleksii Kovalenko
Completed numerous courses and acquired comprehensive knowledge in Python, JavaScript, and other programming languages to become a proficient specialist.
- Spain, Torrelaguna, Madrid
- +34 624 636 814
- alex2011ua@gmail.com
Python marathon.

Series OQ № 9797/2022
Completed the Marathon to gain knowledge and skills in the following technologies: Git (gitHub), Python, Patterns, Networking, SCRUM, Django, JS Was one of the best students.
Python school.
Python School. My mentors introduced me to the rules and technologies of commercial development.
GitLab, MyPy, SOLID, OOP, Meta classes, flake8, Anti-patterns, best practices, Pytest, JWT, Validation, Serializers
Professional Experience
Backend Python Engineer
August 2023 - still working
Djanog, DRF
- Developed and implemented scalable backend infrastructure using Python Django for the non-profit multilingual project “Online store GiftHub”.
- Based on the Django framework with DRF.
- Connected to OpenAI for easier product searches.
- Online store "GiftHub"
- Online store "CARLOTEKA"
Python developer
December 2023 – January 2024
Meduzzen intership
FastApi, Ttrankit, pycld2
Implement: cleaning text, language detection, generate base forms of those words, detect parts of speech and morphological features, for information retrieval or machine learning, sensitivity analysis.- GitHub
Intern Python Developer
September 2022 - January 2023
Django, Docker-compose, HTML, CSS Selenium
Participated in the development of the Taxi website. Developed fake websites to create automated tests. Used Selenium to scrape websites to get reports.Courses
Certificate of ITVDN
Certificate of AWS